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Friday, January 26, 2018

That's why cashew nuts not only make you slim, but happy too

There are foods that can easily do more than others. They have many positive effects on humans. That is why they are called Superfood. Cashew kernels also belong to this group of foods, as evidenced by a study by the American elite university Harvard.

Harvard experts have found cashew kernels to be happy and lean. They are a delicious food that can help you lose weight. The secret of cashew kernels lies in the ingredients as with all foods. Cashew kernels make you happy because they contain tryptophan. It is an amino acid that is a precursor of the happiness hormone serotonin. Similar to serotonin, this amino acid enhances mood and demonstrably improves mood .

Cashew kernels are nuts and can help you lose weight, according to the study from Harvard. In addition, they prevent type 2 diabetes . That's enough if you eat a handful of delicious nuts every day. This positive effect of the tasty kernels also comes from the fact that they have the lowest fat content of all nut varieties. They are also rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

The consumption of cashews has other benefits for the body. The nuts are also a beauty aid . A superfood that makes you slim, happy and beautiful? Yes, because the vitamins contained support your natural beauty. Vitamin K strengthens the bones. The vitamins of the B group provide beautiful hair and nails. Of course, these are two important aspects when it comes to beauty for women. To beautify the skin cashew kernels can also contribute, because they contain zinc and this has anti-inflammatory. Also, the mineral acts from the inside against blemishes and blackheads.